Organic Dried Lavender Bunches

Organic Dried Lavender Bunches
We are now offering 2 varieties of dried Lavender bunches.
This item is for 3 bunches
Angustifolia ( English Lavender “Big Time Blue”) Enjoy the color and scent of our certified organic dried English Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia) bunch. English lavender is also known as culinary lavender. Use a small amount to bake with or make syrups. It is also lovely blended with other herbs to use in rubs. Check out our English Lavender Salt and Pepper!
Our English variety is shorter stemmed and it’s deep rich purple-blue color gives this variety the name Big Time Blue. By drying, it’s color and scent is preserved for years come and can always be rejuvenated it with a light mist of Lavender Hydrosol. It’s scent is a bit softer and sweeter that the lavandin bunches
Lavandin ( Lavendula x intermedia Commonly know as French Lavender) Is a much taller plant with longer stems and a more silvery lavender color. This variety ( We grow Phenomenal) has a strong camphor making it suitable for lavender sachets, eye pillows for filling the air with that strong lavender scent.