From the Pantry Box

From the Pantry Box
Liven up any dish with these Star Bright Farm originals
•Lavender salt: In collaboration with well known Dickinson Salt Works, we blend 2 varieties of lavender into a grinder. when used properly, Lavender is a great “ brightener” for food.
•Lavender Pepper: In Collaboration with The Reluctant Trading Experiment we blend 2 varieties of our Lavender with their select Tellicherry Pepper… read their story. After blending it is put in a grinder for your convenience to brighten your favorite dish.
• 8 oz Jar Blueberry Lavender Compote: Our own recipe, made with our organic blueberries and a hint of our lavender. Lightly sweetened with organic local honey, our compote has a less congealed texture making it perfect for blueberry goat cheese tart, or to put on top of Chicken or pork. And of course always good on a piece of sourdough toast!
•8 oz Jar Tomato Jam: Slightly sweet, a little spicy. Our recipe, made with our Tomato Berry variety tomato and Cherry Bomb Peppers. Both started on the farm from seed. Add a little kick to your breakfast eggs, or on a lemon thyme biscuit.